Gensai Award

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi in tellus placerat,
Building Supplies Showroom

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi in tellus placerat,
Golkar Trading

Golkar Trading is a building supplies company, based in Tehran since 1994. This brand was wanted to redesign some items which it needed. Designed items: *Showroom Merchandising *Building Material Live Decoration *Stationary *General Catalogue which included these categories: -Ceramic & Tiles -Toilet & Sinks -Bathtub & Shower Cabins -Taps

Identity DesignFor NORBIN COFFEEItems:• Logo (Sign + Typography)• Pattern• Coffee Seed Packaging• Bag• Color Palette Norbin Coffee is a Specialty Coffee Roastery based in Tehran with the vision to progress the way they roast in Nordic style. The basic tenet of Nordic-style coffee is to highlight the unique, bright flavors of high-quality single-origin coffee beans. […]